Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Give-Away Shelf

As some of you may be aware, it has become tradition in Building 1 to leave behind the possessions you no longer want on the shelf in common room downstairs. This shelf has often brought great joy (as it did the time I found a copy of The Kite Runner, a book I've been meaning to read).

When the Jar and I left the apartment today and investigated the shelf of joy, we were left with utter confusion. Someone had left their chocolate thong behind (the motto on the box was "I have a heart on for you"). Even more bizarre, somebody took it! Now, this bring a whole host of questions to mind: Who has a chocolate thong? Who gets rid of a chocolate thong? And who takes a used edible thong from a shelf in a graduate housing building? are among the questions.

I'll leave you to grapple with that thought. Next post will contain pictures of the wonderfully used furniture the Jar and I have been collecting!

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